Costume Elements
My Costume Elements are drawn both from the St Kilda project and the Glamourie Collection using the idea of layering to bring colour and texture together into full costumes. These pieces can also be worn as stand alone garments to add drama to a more everyday outfit. These designs are a mixture of patterncard kits and online Creative Courses. They are also designed to be worn along with the designs from the Feather Collar section, which you can find here.

The short sleeved Sulaire Spencer is designed as a base layer for the costume elements and feather collars. It is available as a patterncard design (yarn and instructions) from Virtual Yarns in 4 sizes and a choice of colour from the Hebridean 2 Ply range.

The long sleeved Sulaire Spencer is designed as a base layer for the costume elements and feather collars. It is available as a patterncard design (yarn and instructions) from Virtual Yarns in 4 sizes and a choice of colour from the Hebridean 2 Ply range.

The Hirta Hat Set is available as a patterncard kit (yarn and instructions) from Virtual Yarns in a choice of colours from the Hebridean 2 Ply range.

The Boreray Cardigan is available as a patterncard kit (yarn and instructions) from Virtual Yarns in 5 sizes..

The Boreray Pullover is available as a patterncard kit (yarn and instructions) from Virtual Yarns in 5 sizes and a choice of colours from the Hebridean 2 Ply range.

The Ruabhal Hat Set is available as a patterncard kit (yarn and instructions) from Virtual Yarns in a choice of colours from the Hebridean 2 Ply range.

The Levenish Hat is available as a patterncard kit (yarn and instructions) from Virtual Yarns in a choice of colours from the Hebridean 2 Ply range.

The Linne Belt and Sporran Bag are available as Creative Course 3 (online access via a year long subscription) from www.steek.scot . A yarn pack is also available from Virtual Yarns for creating your own set.

The Dùn Cuff is available as Creative Course 2 (online access via a year long subscription) from www.steek.scot. A yarn pack is also available from Virtual Yarns for creating your own cuffs.

The Hare Hat is available as Creative Course 1 (online access via a year long subscription) from www.steek.scot. A yarn pack is also available from Virtual Yarns for creating your own hat.